DHS Looking Outside the Box for Hackers, Feds Warm Up to the Cloud, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news:
- As many security experts suspected, the Apple device ID’s that Anonymous claimed came from a Federal Bureau of Investigation agent’s hacked laptop actually came from the hack of an application development company. More here.
- A new survey finds that although much of federal information technology has not yet moved to the cloud, agencies seem to be gaining confidence in moving more critical systems to the cloud. More here.
- The Executive Office of the President is seeking a unified system for managing thousands of internship applications. More here.
- Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano called for guidelines to facilitate public-private cybersecurity information sharing at a recent conference. More here.
- In an attempt to bolster their cybersecurity workforce, the Department of Homeland Security is encouraging qualified hackers to apply even if they don’t have a college degree or don’t intend to stay at the position indefinitely. More here.
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