consider as Heaven of Hackers. Zone-h is most reliable source of hackers information. Few months ago a new hacker popup on zone-h with code name "Sejeal". We really have no idea where he/she come from but now according to zone-h Sejeal is in world 3rd number in Notifier statistics (all-time most active notifiers). A simple .jpg file is found on his deface page with burning Israel flag on it. This make sure that he/she is Muslim hacker. There was No name Sejeal few months ago but once it appear, it signal alert every where. Who ever Sejeal is, he become really big thread for Old rulers Blackhats.
As you can see in Image that only iskorpitx, Turkish Hacker and Hmei7, Indonesian hacker remain in lead. By watching Sejeal hacking speed, we can easily concluded that Sejeal is no ordinary hacker. He/she know almost ever technique and exploiting methods. Who know what will happens in 2013.
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As you can see in Image that only iskorpitx, Turkish Hacker and Hmei7, Indonesian hacker remain in lead. By watching Sejeal hacking speed, we can easily concluded that Sejeal is no ordinary hacker. He/she know almost ever technique and exploiting methods. Who know what will happens in 2013.
Muslim Hacker
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