We have learned through reliable sources that PTA has decided to ban explicit websites. This information that we have got is of preliminary nature, however officials at PTA confirmed us of decision taken by the authority.
We are yet to ascertain the mechanism and procedures that PTA will adopt for the ban, but it is anticipated that PTA will maintain a list of blacklisted websites based on user input.
This decision is apparently due to increased social and moral pressure that PTA has gone through in the recent months. This is a vital decision taken by the authority that will be welcomed by the parents. Reaction from youth can be different.
This is a developing story, and we will update it as we get more information.
We are told by PTA officials that a list of 150,000 websites has been sent to ISPs, Mobile Phone service providers, and international bandwidth providers to get them blocked. The process will take 8 to 10 working days and then these 150,000 will be blocked in Pakistan. PTA is planning to keep updating the list, through user input and self determination.
A Message From HackersMedia:
A Pakistani Hacker called Zombie_KSA from the group called (PakBugs) has Hacked Pakistans Supreme Courts website telling the Gov. this message on there site:
[!] Struck By Zombie_Ksa
The Notorious Zombie_Ksa is Back
You Must have Heard about me on, news, headlines, Gov. charges, blogs, blah blah
YES, Pakistan Supreme Court got STAMPED by Zombie_Ksa.
What i can see, I Guess, Supreme Court of Pakistan is in Wrong, Untalented Hands !!
Well Why Did I Choose Supreme Court of Pakistan for HaCkinG ?
Just tO Convey my Message tO Mr Chief So Called Justice Of Pakistan Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudry...
Mr Chief hello0 :D !! Hope So yO Enjoying your full time Luxurious Life.. :D aint u? O.o
So I am here tO request you to go 0ut there and help the poor,needy and hungry.
They Dont have money to Eat one time Meal
They dont Have Clothes to wear
They dont have Accommodation !!
Sitting 0n y0ur r0yal chair w0nt make any changes to 0ur Pakistan
Baby m here tO Tell this mofo World that We are Pakistan ....Not Pornistan... & Sir i need ur help.. Since u have powefull balls and i request you to take action to ban porn sites in Pakistan. Read it again I request you to BAN Pornographic sites in PAKISTAN... PTA is paid whore... they dont give a damn shit about our complains... They can BAN Porn sites... ANd if they dont WTF they are paid for? Mr CJ m again requesting you to take somoto action against PTA. If you dont then i myself will... I will Roast PTA's Asses like I raped FIA... & If they cant or they wont then InshALLAH I will raise the 1337 gr33n flag high and ll Hack PTA like i hacked bef0re =) ...
@Webmaster:Mr.Malik Sohail Ahmad The data is intact, no harm done. The index file is only replaced with this message.Well Dude You Don't Know Nothing !! Here in PAKISTAN who has Degree He Is Monster and you Idiot is Webmaster of Supreme Court of PAKISTAN ? Death to U !! Learn Some Serious Shit Insane !!>
We are L33t Pakistani H4x0rZ,
we are PAKbugs, We keep it real:
Greetz: Zombie_Ksa | spo0feR | xOOmxOOm | Cyber-Criminal | bh | Agd_Scorp | aB0 m0h4mM3d | The Moorish | Shadow008 |
Just after Pakistan's Supreme Courts website was hacked,few days later Zombie_KSA Hacked Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) website. Zombie_KSA had added this message on there site:
H4x0r3d By Pakbugs
The Notorious Zombie_Ksa is Back
You Must have Heard about me on, news, headlines, Gov. charges, blogs, blah blah
YES, I the Zombie_KSA fulfilled the promise i made on Supreme Court Site on 2011/09/27 yea baby..Read it Again... I the Zombie_KSA kept My words... & Pakistan Telecommunication Authority got STAMPED by Zombie_Ksa.
m Just here tO tell the So Called Chairman Dr. Mohammed Yaseen ... "BTW l0l @ Dr" xD
Mr Chairman hello0 :D !! Sir Y0ur BiG HeAd g0t haCk3d ?
Ask y0urself Why Pakistan Telecommunication Authority is ViCtim of ZombiE_KsA ?
Well Let me KnOw Have you Read my message On Supreme Court Web ? !!
If y0u Miss3d then here u go... (baby keep reading this until you realize that W0t da Fuck u r Paid F0r
Baby m here tO Tell this mofo World that We are Pakistan ....Not Pornistan... & Sir i need ur help.. Since u have powefull balls and i request you to take action to ban porn sites in Pakistan. Read it again I request you to BAN Pornographic sites in PAKISTAN... PTA is paid whore... they dont give a damn shit about our complains... They can BAN Porn sites... ANd if they dont WTF they are paid for? Mr CJ m again requesting you to take somoto action against PTA. If you dont then i myself will... I will Roast PTA's Asses like I raped FIA... & If they cant or they wont then InshALLAH I will raise the 1337 gr33n flag high and ll Hack PTA like i hacked bef0re =) ...
So Mr M.yaseen.. D0 W0t you have t0 Do....D0 Wot u Are Getting Paid f0r... If U can't den Give up!!! We will Not let any mofo to FuCk with this Country Any More...
Do BAN every PORN Site in PAKISTAN in a Week Otherwise you Better know me What i Can Do !!!
We are L33t Pakistani H4x0rZ,
we are PAKbugs, We keep it real:
Greetz: b-h - nEt^DeVil And Agd_Scorp
The news about PTA when it got hacked had been posted on Hackers Media Also.